Pediatric ENT Services For Florida's Smallest Patients

Your Child’s health is too precious to trust just any pediatric ear nose & throat specialists.
Common Pediatric ENT Problems
There are a few common pediatric ENT problems that occur often in children. A few of those problems are:
- Allergic Rhinitis is an allergic reaction that happens in the eyes, nose, and throat. Common causes include mold, animal dander, pollen, and dust mites.
- Sinusitis is an infection in the sinuses that can normally be treated with medicine.
- Deviated Septum is an abnormality in the configuration of the cartilage in the nose that divides the two nostrils. It may cause problems with breathing or nasal discharge.
- An Ear Infection is an infection of the middle ear that antibiotics can help treat.
- Nosebleeds can be common in dry areas and are usually not serious. Running a humidifier in the child’s room at night can help with nosebleeds.
- Sinus discomfort: pain, pressure, recurrent infections, drainage.
What is Pediatric Otolaryngology?
Pediatric Otolaryngology is an ENT pediatric specialist that is an expert in caring for children’s ear, nose, and throat problems. From sinusitis to having frequent ear infections, children go through a wide range of issues. Unfortunately, some children need personalized care to get them back to feeling like a kid again. Since adults and children have different problems, we know they need individual care. This is why we have our pediatric otolaryngology department. Here, we focus on your children's needs. No parent wants to see their child in and out of the doctors, feeling drowsy, or missing school time. It is our goal to help your child avoid this with our care given by our pediatric allergist and ent doctor.
Florida’s Pediatric Allergist
Many children in Florida may experience seasonal allergies that have them feeling miserable. They can’t play outside, they are getting sent home from school, and just always seem sick. Children should be able to enjoy being children year round, not just when their allergies aren’t bad. It can be tiring to have to explain to other parents that your child is not contagious, but they just have allergies. When this happens, it's time to see a pediatric allergist.
Allergies often occur due to dust, flower pollen, mold, grass pollen, tree pollen, or more. The best pediatric allergist will use allergy testing to determine your child’s allergens and then develop a personal treatment plan to overcome their allergies, feel better, and live better. How could your child benefit from seeing a pediatric allergist?
Taking Care of the Most Important Pediatric Ear Nose and Throat Issues
For parents, there is nothing worse than seeing your child in pain. We know that you wish you could just switch places with your child. If this is the case, it is time to find them real relief with a pediatric allergist and ENT doctor. Our otolaryngology associates know that even the smallest patients can have some big pediatric ear nose and throat problems. Our ENT pediatrician is well aware of the extra importance that the health of your children have. A pediatric ENT specialist will be able to help them find relief for your children from the painful symptoms they may have, helping you and them sleep better at night. Don’t let your child continue to suffer and miss out on being a kid! Time goes by so fast. You should make sure that everyone can enjoy every minute. Relief is possible for all ages. Help you child find relief today!
We Take Pride In Our Pediatric ENT Services
As health care workers, we will recommend treatments and then respect your ability to choose your own care. We will give you all of the information that you need so that you can make the best possible decisions for you and your child. We take pride in answering all of your questions completely and in a timely manner in the office, on the phone, or online. We have convenient email contact forms for both of our locations on our website.
We value communication and believe that it is the best way to provide the quality care that we believe in. We also know that trust is so important with our patients and encourage you to tell us your needs directly so we can meet expectations. The quality of your care depends on your confidence that we will listen to you and make your pediatric ear nose and throat problems our first priority. Our pediatric allergist will do its best to find the root of your child's allergy problem.
We are dedicated to pediatric otolaryngology! If you are in need of Pediatric ear nose and throat services look no further. Collier Otolaryngology’s ENT pediatric specialist can get your little ones back on their feet in no time.