Chronic Sinusitis Treatment
Advanced treatment options customized for your needs.
Life in Naples and surrounding communities can truly be paradise. Our world-class beaches, entertainment, and year-round access to golf, tennis, and other outdoor activities make our community perfect for children and adults of all ages. For those suffering from chronic sinus infections (sinusitis), the pain and suffering can greatly reduce their quality of life.
What is Chronic Sinusitis?
Sinus infections, also known as sinusitis, occur when the sinus passages are inflamed. This inflammation blocks the natural flow of air and mucus and often results in a build up of infection inside the sinus cavity. Sinus infections can result from many underlying causes, but the resulting symptoms and sinus infection can be extremely painful and debilitating. Sinusitis due to allergies, cold, flu, bacteria, and other viruses are common. In most cases, the body can naturally flush out the infection and heal itself.
These symptoms often include:
- Sinusitis Headaches
- Facial Pain
- Congestion
- Abnormal Nasal Discharge
- Sinus Pressure
- Bad Breath
- Cough
- Fever
- Fatigue

Chronic Sinusitis occurs when your symptoms, which may include infection, last for more than 12 weeks.
To effectively treat sinusitis, it is important to work with professionals who understand the complexities of all the interworking systems of the ear, nose, and throat. The board-certified team at Collier Otolaryngology has decades of rigorous training and experience and uses the most advanced technology to give you the best treatment outcomes. We understand that your unique symptoms and medical conditions require an individualized treatment approach. The best treatment for sinus infection is the treatment that is designed specifically for you.
Do you have Chronic Sinusitis? Click here to learn more about this common medical condition.
Sinusitis Treatment
Treatment for chronic sinus infections is never a “one size fits all” approach. Although sinus infections often have common symptoms, each sinus infection is unique. Your infection may result from allergies, cold, flu, or other conditions. The resulting infection may be bacterial, viral, or fungal in nature. The impact on your body and lifestyle depends on your other medical conditions, overall health, and specific daily activities. At Collier Otolaryngology, your treatment plan will be customized to fit your underlying sinus issues and meet your long-term health goals. Our board-certified team will work alongside you to develop a treatment plan that includes a customized blend of these common treatment options.
Natural Remedies for Sinus Infection: Effective when Appropriate
For sinus infections that are mild, infrequent, and do not result from an underlying physical abnormality, natural solutions may be an effective tool. Natural home remedies for sinus infection cannot cure sinusitis, but they can play a role in helping to prevent and manage symptoms. These tools often work to reduce inflammation, open sinus passages, and restore natural mucus flow. Sinusitis home remedies can also be used to reduce the pain and suffering from sinus infection symptoms.
It is important to consult with your doctor before starting any treatment, including natural treatments. Natural solutions are not without risk but can be an effective part of a comprehensive treatment plan. Some common natural remedies may include:
Hydration: People often dismiss the importance of proper hydration when it comes to serious medical conditions. However, for the body’s systems to work effectively, adequate water intake is critical. Without fluids, the body cannot create and drain enough mucus to properly fight infection and prevent inflammation.
Steam, Mist, and Humidifiers: These tools come in a variety of forms, but they all work to promote natural sinus drainage. It is important to consult with your doctor to find the most appropriate device to meet your specific needs. These machines are not without risk and must be used according to the directions to be safe and effective.
Sinus Rinse or Neti Pot: Sinus rinse products have become popular over-the-counter tools in local pharmacies and online. They are frequently used to help with the symptoms of sinus and allergy issues. They are sometimes marketed as tools to address a wide variety of conditions and symptoms. It is important to consult with your doctor to ensure that these products can help with the issues that you are suffering from rather than depending solely on the marketing material. It is also critical to use these products as instructed to prevent potential damage to the sinuses or other complications. Sinus rinse and Neti Pot products can be an effective tool when used appropriately for the correct conditions.
Sinusitis home remedies can be an effective tool when used correctly.
The professional team at Collier Otolaryngology can help you understand how to include these in your customized treatment plan.
Read MoreSinusitis Medication: Effective Tools for Symptom Control
Sinus infection medication can be a safe and effective tool to quickly control infection and manage symptoms. Sinus infection medicine is not a cure for chronic sinusitis but can help aid the body in fighting infection and reducing the pain and suffering of symptoms. Our team understands the proper use of the most advanced medications available and can strategically plan when to use and when to avoid medicine. Some common medicinal options include:
- Antibiotics: When used correctly, antibiotics can be a highly effective short-term solution for bacterial infections. For long-lasting sinusitis, antibiotics can give the body a better chance at fighting off infection. Our team will properly diagnose your sinus infection to understand when antibiotics should be used and when they should be avoided. Antibiotics do not address the underlying cause of the infection and are not a long-term solution for frequent infections.
- Decongestants: Properly used decongestant medication can quickly reduce swelling, restore natural mucus flow, and treat other sinus infection symptoms. Decongestants reduce inflammation and can provide dramatic relief. These medications come in many forms and are an effective short-term tool. All decongestants, even over-the-counter, have risks and side effects and should be taken under a doctor’s supervision. Decongestants are not a long-term treatment solution.
- Nasal Corticosteroids: Nasal sprays or pills that contain corticosteroids are a modern solution with several distinct advantages. They provide symptom relief and can also help to prevent future infections. Unlike other medications, some corticosteroids can sometimes be used as part of a long-term treatment strategy.
Sinusitis medication can be an effective part of your overall chronic sinusitis treatment plan. Medications do not address the underlying cause of your infections and should only be used as part of a comprehensive plan that also addresses the root cause of your condition.

Endoscopic Sinus Surgery: A Traditional Approach
Traditional sinus surgery is an effective tool for sinus infections that are caused by a physical abnormality such as a deviated septum or nasal polyps. This is a fully-invasive surgical procedure that is typically done in a hospital or surgical center under general anesthesia. It is a long-term solution that involves the permanent removal of bone or tissue to prevent blockage and restore the natural flow of air and mucus.
Before 2005, traditional sinus surgery was the only procedure available for chronic sinusitis treatment. Modern technology has given the doctors of Collier Otolaryngology safe, effective, and affordable alternatives to surgery such as balloon sinuplasty.
Balloon Sinuplasty: Sinusitis Treatment That Works
Balloon sinuplasty, also known as balloon sinus dilation, is a modern treatment solution that uses advanced technology to deliver outstanding results. Unlike natural treatments or medication, sinuplasty works to address the underlying cause of your sinusitis. It is the only chronic sinusitis treatment that provides long-term relief without surgery. Sinuplasty gently works to physically open sinus blockage and restore the natural flow of air and mucus.
Since it was first introduced in 2005, more than a half-million patients have experienced long-term relief from painful sinus infections with an astounding 95% success rate. This popular procedure has an outstanding reputation for successful outcomes, minimal pain, quick recovery, and affordability. This success has resulted in sinuplasty’s increased popularity with patients, physicians, and insurance companies. When medically necessary, sinuplasty is covered by Medicare and most insurance companies. The long-term cost savings, high success rates, and safety record are all part of the cost-benefit of this high-tech solution. To learn more and discover if balloon sinus dilation is for you, review our balloon sinuplasty information page.
Get Started Today: Chronic Sinusitis Treatment for YOU
If you are ready to enjoy all the benefits of living in paradise then get started with a chronic sinusitis treatment plan today. Children and adults of all ages have learned to trust the board-certified physicians at Collier Otolaryngology. Our team uses the most advanced technology combined with a patient-centered treatment philosophy to develop fully customized sinusitis treatment plans. We work to meet your needs, achieve your goals, and fit your budget all while providing world-class treatment and exceptional care. See what the residents of Naples and surrounding communities are saying then contact us today to start your journey toward long-term sinus relief.
Important Safety Information
Balloon Sinuplasty (Sinus Dilation) is not the answer to everyone’s sinus misery. Consult your physician for a full discussion of associated risks and benefits of sinuplasty technology and to determine whether this procedure is right for you.
Karanfilov B, et al. Office-Based balloon sinus dilation: a prospective, multicenter study of 203 patients. Int Forum Allergy Rhinol; Nov 2012 Epub.
Weiss, et al. “Long-term outcome analysis of balloon catheter sinusotomy: Two-year follow-up.” Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, 2008, Vol. 139, pp. S38-S46